In 1995 the Faculty of Science & Technology at Prince of Songkla University (PSU) invited Don McNeil (Professor of Statistics at Macquarie University in Australia) to help establish an MSc in Research Methodology, modeled on Macquarie's Master of Applied Statistics degree. After ten years 33 students had graduated and the program was expanded to include PhD study.
      By 2016, 33 had graduated with their PhD and a further 35 with their MSc degree, more than 20 new PhD students were enrolled, and a new MSc degree in Applied Mathematics was established. The PhD requires two papers accepted in peer-reviewed English-language journals and successful defense of a thesis before a panel of international experts.
The normal duration for a PhD is four years of full-time study. Entry is available to students who have completed a masters thesis in English in a relevant topic, or who have demonstrated an equivalent research capability. Through contacts with colleagues in leading departments in the world, opportunities for overseas research experience are facilitated at minimal cost.
Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, PSU
Last updated: April 21, 2023