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    This workshop is based on ongoing research collaboration between the Faculty of Science & Technology at Prince of Songkla University and the Faculty of Science at Chiang Mai University.
    It aims to cover basic research methods for analyzing data based on samples taken repeatedly over time from animal and plant populations, such as water samples taken every month from sites located along a river over a period of time.
    Participants will use freely available software on computers to learn these methods using illustrative data from a large ongoing study of water characteristics, plankton, benthos and fish from 2005-2015 in the Na Thap River in Thailand.
    Our overall objective is to improve our understanding of how such data vary in practice, how to fit appropriate models to estimate prevalence, abundance and biodiversity of food-web taxa, and methods for illustrating results using informative and comprehensible graphs.

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, PSU
Faculty of Science, CMU
Last updated: January 29, 2016