This workshop is based on ongoing research collaboration between the
Faculties of Science & Technology and Technology & Environment at Prince of
Songkla University, and Professor Alfredo Huete at the University of Technology
in Sydney. We are grateful for assistance from Distinguished Professor Alan
Washburn at the Naval Postgraduate School in California, Dr John McNelis at
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, and other scientists in the US
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
It is hosted by the Department of Statistics at Bogor Agricultural University,
Participants will use freely available software on computers and thus learn
methods for displaying and analysing remote sensing data from polar-orbiting
Earth satellites maintained by NASA. Our overall objective is to improve our
understanding of how the Earth’s climate changes, particularly in the tropics.
Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, PSU |
Department of Statistics, IPB |
Last updated: September 14, 2015 |