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Assoc Prof Dr Sukree Hajisamae is Dean of the Faculty of Science & Technology
at PSU and a leading researcher in Fisheries Science. He completed his PhD at
the National University of Singapore.
We are very honoured to have our distinguished keynote speaker Professor
Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong as discussant for the Health Science session.
Professor Virasak was recently officially recognized as Thailand's leading
scientific researcher.
After his PhD Don McNeil spent 8 years in the US, gaining tenure at Princeton
before returning to Australia as Professor of Statistics at Macquarie University,
then helping to set up the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre and visiting Asian
universities for IDP. After visiting PSU, Dr Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong and Don
began a research collaboration that has led to high quality PhD programs in
Epidemiology and Research Methodology. He now spends a lot of his "retirement"
time in Pattani, where his two grandsons live.
After completing his PhD in Statistics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia,
Khairil Notodiputro was promoted to Professor of Statistics at Bogor Agricultural
University in West Java where he and his colleagues have developed one of the strongest
research groups in Statistical Theory and Methods in the South-East Asian Region.
Dr Muhammad Hisyam Lee got Ph.D in Mathematics from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2003.
He is currently serving as Professor of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience.
His interests include academic matters, academic programme assessment and review, research
assessment exercise, statistical science, and information technology. He has contributed more
that 100 research papers which are published in reputed journals or conferences.
After completing her PhD in Epidemiology at Prince of Songkla University in Hat Yai, Rohani Jehasae got Fredskorpset (FK)
scholarship personnel exchange programs to work in Nepal for 10 months in 2011. After that, she was appointed as Dean of
the new faculty of Nursing in Pattani Campus in 2016. Her research interests include growth and development of children
in violence-prone areas. |
Dr Muhammad Fahmee Talib got his medical degree from Prince of Songkla University and completed a PhD in Epidemiology from
the same university. Currently, he teaches in the Faculty of Nursing, PSU, Pattani Campus. His research
interests include alcohol and drug abuse, child health and nutrition and Social development.
Dr Anang Kurnia currently works at the Department of Statistics, Bogor Agricultural University.
His current research is small area estimation for repeated subset survey'.
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, PSU
Last updated: May 29, 2019