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The Master of Science degree in Research Methodology requires students to enrol for four semesters, successfully complete appropriate coursework, write a thesis on their research topic, and prepare a manuscript related to this topic for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Applications are considered at two-year intervals. Since the first intake in 1995, 92 students enrolled in the specified years and have graduated, and 22 are currently enrolled. The thesis topics as follows. Many have also appeared as published papers. For these an abstract appears if you click on a highlighted name (provided your browser allows Javascript).

Boonsanong Kumpai 1995-97 Comparison of tides in Pattani and Songkhla Provinces
Krairat Ninchim 1995-97 Relationship between rainfall and salinity in Pattani Bay
Metta Kuning 1995-97 Determinants of undergraduates learning achievement
Pun Thongchumnum 1995-97 Analysis of electricity usage for Pattani province in 1996
Wandee Thitinuntapan 1995-97 HIV/AIDS spatial-temporal patterns,Southern Thailand
Watcharin Komolmalai 1995-97 Graphing and modelling tides in the Gulf of Thailand
Wirapong Arpharattanakhun 1995-97
Analysis of hydrographic data from Pattani Bay in 1995-96

Amornrat Chutinantakul 1997-99 HIV infection among pulmonary tuberculosis patients
Arwae Luemoh 1997-99 Effect of water quality on DHF transmission in Pattani
Khanitta Kanchanapairoj 1997-99 Climatic factors and DHF incidence in Southern Thailand
Patarapan Odton 1997-99 Impact of El Nino on cyclone activity over Thailand
Puntri Jirattitiviwat 1997-99 The analysis of currency exchange rates
Somchai Rattanakoch 1997-99 Predicting academic achievement of PSU graduates
Wanlapa Pornwiriyamongkol 1997-99
Comparison of economic indicators in Thailand and Malaysia

Chaiya Weregul 1999-01 Trang sub-district administration role in managing AIDS
Montri Sirichai 1999-01 Acute diarrhea disease in children aged 0-5 in Pattani
Ratchakarn Witchurangsri 1999-01 Olympic swimming & athletic winner performances
Siriporn Kaewdaisri 1999-01 Socio-demographic factors of school students learning
Sunari Sae-Jiang 1999-01 Analysis of banking share prices in Thailand: 1994-99
Thittiphit Karasuwan 1999-01 Petroleum products consumption in Thailand:1984-99
Zainab Ma 1999-01 The determinants of salinity in Pattani Bay

Chanchai Chaiwanawut 2001-03 Modelling monthly rainfall in Pattani: 1982-2001
Niyor Baha 2001-03 Computer utilization in Narathiwat secondary schools
Prayoon Inthara 2001-03 Problems in doing research by primary school teachers
Sermsup Graidist 2001-03 Attitudes of low achievers in Trang secondary schools
Somporn Kiawjan 2001-03 Mental health of police officers in Thai terrorist areas
Orasa Rachatapantanakorn 2001-03
Factors associated with birth asphyxia in Pattani

Arinda Ma-a-lee 2003-05 Factors related to partner abuse of pregnant women
Manosh Chadarat 2003-05 Computer utilization in Narathiwat secondary schools
Niramon Lesoh 2003-05 Factors associated with birth asphyxia in Pattani
Premwadee Komontree 2003-05 Trends in marine fish catches at Pattani Fishery Port
Saowapark Sangkaew 2003-05 Attitudes of low achievers in Trang secondary schools
Saowarot Kaewsompak 2003-05 Mental health of police officers in Thai terrorist areas

Boonyapat Yodprang 2005-07 Bullying among secondary school students in Pattani
Nannapat Pruphetkaew 2005-08 Model life tables for Southern Thailand
Pattama Arwae 2005-07 Population fertility transition in Southern Thailand
Pipop Marohabut 2005-08 Terrorism risks in Thai southern border provinces
Saowachai Thongphud 2005-11 Forecasting university non-completion at PSU Pattani
Suhaila Saesa 2005-08 Incidence of identical twins in Pattani Province
Thantawan Kruekaew 2005-08 English vocabulary skill of undergraduates at PSU

Bussara Chormanee 2007-10 Gender differences in university study patterns
Dawin Sulaiman 2007-09 Patterns of mortality by cause in Southern Thailand
Mayuening Eso 2007-10 Linking graphical windows on websites
Nattapong Pannin 2007-09 Factors associated with computer game addiction
Nurin Yusoh 2007-10 Confidence intervals using contrasts with ordinal factors
Safeenee Lateh 2007-10 Analysis of land-use change in Southern Thailand
Sameerah Hajimasaid 2007-10 Blue swimmer crabs in southern Thai estuarine waters
Suhainong Arwae 2007-12 Economic Self Reliance in the Deep South Thailand
Suriya Kosuthum 2007-09 Road traffic mortality rates in Southern Thailand
Theerayut Chomngam 2007-09 Temporal trends of liver cancer in Central Thailand
Varoonwan Silamas 2007-10 Land and water use development in the Na Thap Basin

Busaban Chirtkiartsakul 2009-11 Fatilities from unrest in Deep South of Thailand
Marsukee Mayeng 2009-13
Temperature trends in South East Asia, 1973-2008
Monsikarn Premprad 2009-12 Trend and rate of drowning deaths in Thailand
Salwa Waeto 2009-13 Mortality from liver cancer in Thailand
Supatip Boonpirom 2009-13 Senility death in Thailand during 2000-2009

Nealnad Cheyoe 2011-13 Risk factors of chronic kidney disease of gout patients
Nittaya Tongrong 2011-14 Children under-five mortality in Thailand
Adhhiyah Mudor 2011-14 Working practices of dental nurses in southern Thailand
Niruhaning Nitayarak 2011-15 Growth of Thai children aged 0-8.5 years in Thailand
Fatina Samae 2011-15 Impact of Stunting on Cognitive Function of Children
Waemareeyae Mamah 2011-15 Factors associated with school drop-out due to poverty
Benchamat Chunpradab 2011-16 Factors affecting hypertension in Trang province

Suchawadee Prasobnet 2013-18 Academic achievement in English listening-speaking
Suhaimee Buya 2013-16 Land-use change in Krabi Province of Thailand
Manju Maharjan
Factors associated with the discontinuation of depo-provera among married women in Nepal

Usha Singh 2014-16 Factors associated with small size at birth in Nepal
Mahesh Prasad Bhusal 2014-16 Risk factors for stillbirths in Nepal
Sumitra Kattel
Determinants of linear growth among children aged under 5 in Nepal

Jonu Pakhrin Tamang 2015-19 Factors associated with antenatal care visits in Nepal
Kelzang Tentsho 2015-17 Factors affecting student dropout at PSU, Pattani
Nirmal Guatam 2015-17 Estimating age-specific mortality rate of females
Nurainee Jangoe 2015-18 Predicting of happiness index of multi-cultural areas
Teerohah Donraman
Fish fingerling abundance and distribution in the Na Thap river, Southern Thailand

Kunwadee Srisuan 2016-20 Associaiton between water quality and fish fingerling
Pratistha Sharma 2016-19 Effect of land use on water quality in Southern Thailand
Muhamad Rifki Taufik 2016-20 Application of tree-based on tuberculosis, Thailand

Abdunfattah Masamae 2017-19 The association of southern unrest and mortality
Hiwot Dereje 2017-19 HIV mortality rate across regions in Thailand
Marushmee Awang 2017-21 Simulation and visualization of river flow and erosion
Panggih Kusuma Ningrum 2017-20 Gender stereotypes on job using text mining technique

Amadou Condem 2018-22 Dynamics of cholera epidemics outbreak in West Africa
Rodiyah Sama 2018-21 Analysis of air pollution in central region of Thailand
Nureesawatee Samoh 2018-21 Predicting benthic fauna and distribution of mollusc
Faisol Nawae 2018-22 Modeling for factors of teenage repeat pregnancy
Ahamapeesee Duereh 2018-22 Factor associated with the victim from conflict situation
Sarawut Sukkhum 2018-21 Air pollution trends in northern Thailand: 1997-2018
Maleekee Dengmasa 2018-21 Land surface temperature change in Antarctica

Daranee Jehloh 2019-22 Factors associated with readmisstion from pnuemonia
Ameen Mhamad 2019-21 Predicting COVID-19 infections in South and South-East
Nasuha Chetae 2019-23 LST Variation in Barranquilla, Colombia
Khodeeyoh Kasoh 2019-22 Land Surface Temperature Change in Bogota, Colombia

Nualnapa Peakparn 2020-23 Spatial and temporal patterns of COVID-19 incidence
Lukman Dulthara 2020-24 Factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infections
Narissara Salae 2020- Demogeographical variations of suicide mortality
Nurainee Chelong 2020-24 Lung cancer mortality pattern in Thailand
Matureedee Masamae 2020-24 Factors associated with the opinion on elderly self-care
Jutarat Tanupatsorn 2020-24 Factors associated with dental caries of children aged 12
Youreesa Sama 2020-24 Factor associated with Juvenile Recidivism in Narathiwat

Marinee Uma 2021-23 Daily temperature predictive model in Myanmar
Rusma Kaleng 2021-23 Temperature prediction models using Machine learning
Kulaya Tohrayor 2021- Factors associated with CKD in patients with Type 2 DM
Romlah Doloh 2021- Factors affected happiness to learn of Islamic students
Fakrutdin Tapohtoh 2021- Factors influence Halal food consumption among youth
Areefan Mahmud 2021- Factors affected medication adherence in DM elderly

Aneeta Kalor 2022- Statistcal modeling for pattern rainfall in Southern Thailand
Ibtisam Toheng 2022- Prediction of PM2.5 concentration in Southern Thailand
Ikwan Bensalam 2022- Predictive models of PM2.5 concentration in Bangkok
Nurhuda Maming 2022- Loan applicant segmentation for credit risk evaluation
Sufiya Mayid 2022- Factors associated with survival of pneumonia patients
Ibteesam Japakeeya 2022- PM2.5 prediction using long short-term memory neural network

Prawichaya Noppakun 2023-
Muhummhadsufyan Balaeh 2023-
Impacts of particulate matter on cardiorespiratory diseases
Mohammed M Dukuly 2023-
Sidiki Diaby 2023-

Hnin Hsu Wai 2024-
Malick Sidibe 2024-
Aung Zaw Win 2024-
Htet Myat Linn 2024-
Aye Nyein Thu 2024-

Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, PSU
Last updated: November 22, 2023